White sugar 30-40 parts, conversion syrup 10-15 parts, starch syrup 30-40 parts, dry gelatin 4.5 to 7.5 parts, dry powder 5 to 10 parts, citric acid 0.4 to 0.6 parts, sodium citrate 0.075 to 0.9 parts

The steps are as follows:

1. Make dry powder paste: the raw material of clean dry powder is broken into powder less than 100 purposes, and then mixed into paste with a little hot water at 80°C;

2 gelatin: with the weight of dry gelatin 2 ~ 3 times the water, the gelatin soaked, heating until all into sol, while hot to add dry powder paste, dry powder paste and glue mix well and then condense into a certain thickness of gelatin, cut into small pieces;

3 sugar: the first sugar will dissolve, and then add starch syrup and conversion syrup, to be all dissolved, filtering sugar, sugar can not be added in the process of gelatin, until the syrup boil, syrup boil temperature is 115 ~ 120°C, you can stop boiling sugar, cooling;


4. Mix and stand: When the temperature of the syrup cools to about 100°C, add gelatin and mix, then add lime acid and sodium citrate, slowly stir evenly, and stand after stirring, so that the bubbles in the syrup gather to the surface of the syrup, and then skim off;

5. Moulding:

(1) pouring mold molding, syrup after standing, or in a liquid state, and has a certain liquidity, can be cast mold molding method molding;

(2) Cutting molding, the syrup after standing is cooled and condensed into a certain thickness, and then cutting molding, cutting molding is according to the required shape and size of the cutting;

6. Sand mixing packaging: pouring mold molding of soft candy, sieving out from the starch, remove the sugar surface of the mold powder, sand mixing, with uniform particles of fine white sugar for stirring, so that it sticks to the surface of the soft candy.

Post time: Dec-01-2021

